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A statutory health attestation is coming into force on 13th December 2023 for all non-assured keepers of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs for slaughter including cull animals. This attestation is required in order to certify exports of POAO (Products of Animal Origin) to the EU.
72% of all meat produced in Britain is destined for the EU.
A veterinary declaration is required to certify that an annual visit has been undertaken to verify the absence of notifiable diseases and discuss general farm biosecurity. To get an attestation your vet will need to visit the farm to assess your livestock and provide you with a certificate. This visit can be done as part of the Annual Health and Welfare Review of Livestock.
The review is part of DEFRA’s animal health and welfare pathway, which feeds into grant funding for calf, adult cattle, poultry, and pig housing.
Without the attestation in place, you will be unable to sell fat/cull livestock in markets or directly to abattoirs.
For further details please contact:
Chantelle Astley
01904 489731/07801685670