Environment and Conservation

StephensonsRural provide a complete service to assist in the Environmental and Conservation management of land, farms and estates.

Whether you require an assessment of the Environmental Value of your holding or expert advice on Environmental Land Management Schemes, we have the experienced and qualified professionals to assist you and your business.


  • Environmental land management advice and scheme applications, including the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier and Higher Tier, Standalone Capital Grants
  • Applications for targeted funding under the Farming Investment Fund (including Farm Equipment and Technology Fund and Farm Transformation Fund)
  • Advice and applications for Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 
  • Advice and applications under the Landscape Recovery scheme which funds long term, large scale and bespoke projects 
  • Scheme advice and inspection appeals for all Environmental Land Management Schemes
  • Environmental scheme management plans and record keeping
  • Environmental scheme transfers and amendments
  • Legislative compliance advice
  • Environmental plans and reviews for Farms, Estates, Corporate Farms and Producer groups


For a free appraisal of the help you need and an estimate of the cost please contact:

Chris Muir chris.muir@stephenson.co.uk 01904 489731 / 07793 609567

Chantelle Astley chantelle.astley@stephenson.co.uk 01904 489731

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